Jeez, that will hurt him more within his own party than the 47% gaffe, being that the Republican poor are pretty much brainwashed.

It really sucks for Democrats and Independents who would like another option besides Obama (like myself). But I can't vote for this guy. It's one faux pas after another. It's Obama by default.

Things are really bad when Peggy Noonan jumps ship. She's a conservative journalist who I happen to respect the hell out of (she wrote a wonderful book about Pope John Paul II). You don't have to agree with her politics, but much like Hillary Clinton there's no denying her intelligence. She reminds me of Hillary for that very reason. Anyway, I don't have the link but if you Google her you'll see that she pretty much abandoned ship on poor Mitt.

All of this pregnancy/abortion talk reminds me of that old joke: You can unscrew a lightbulb. Which is ironic, because at this point you can't unscrew Mitt Romney.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.