Goodness! Wouldn't the debates be just ridiculous after that? Did you read the second part they posted yesterday? I'm in awe of his frankness. His solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, or rather lack thereof was like, we let it be, and we hope it would take care of itself. Like it has all these years. Not that it should be the business responsibility of the US to solve this mess, but to be certain that he has absolutely no plans to do anything is so disheartening. And one thing else, his comment about if he gets elected, the economy would recover to some extent without him actually doing anything is plain ridiculous. Someone must remind him that Bush did the same and the world's economy almost collapsed by the end of his 2nd term. Economy doesn't recover on its own.

Last edited by afsaneh77; 09/19/12 01:51 AM.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones