Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Bill Clinton may have just given the best political speech I ever heard.

Clinton always delivers from the podium. Ironically, it was his address at the 1988 DNC when he was being primed as a future prominent, political figure when he nearly derailed his national career before it even started. His keynote address droned on, and when he finally said, "In conclusion," the convention gave a roaring cheer.

While people thought his career was over, he went on Johnny Carson, joked about it, and began his reputation as the "Comeback Kid." 4 years later when he stood before the convention, he joked that 4 years ago he started a speech and returned tonight to finish it.

Oh, by the way, the 1988 speech ran 33 minutes. Last night's masterpiece was 48 minutes, but Clinton's ability to speak clearly, colloquially and directly isn't going to make anyone complain about the length.