See here's the thing I've came across people that have done time in California, and all that I won't get into that. As far this whole race war thing goes it's not a race war in the sense the media make it out to be majority of it is over control of dope sales in particular areas and it's usually nothing against the black community it's usually just rivals who happen to be black now don't get me wrong some of them are on some other shit. Believe it or not there are blacks in certain Mexican American street gangs in LA, one that comes off the top is Florence and for those that have seen that gangland episode I would hope they would be able to take that episode with a grain of salt. As far as the mexican mafia having an alliance with the aryan brotherhood, I'll say it like how it was said to me that's not a accurate statement, sure on some yards they may have some type of understanding but on other yards it could be the complete opposite and is that way on many yards.