I sort of figured what I have now will seem like nothing once I get to college, which is somewhat why I'm dreading college. lol I'm just trying to find a good compromise between reading carefully and slowly enough to retain the information for the tests and reading fast enough to not waste the whole night on what's actually not a huge assignment.

You did mention I'd be distracted, but would you really recommend reading during games? My mom won't let me, anyway, which I can understand, but I honestly think the homework would distract me from the game more than the game would from the homework.

I definitely see where you're coming from on a difficult teacher preparing me. I had a semi-difficult teacher last year in history who was tough, and I can tell I would've been in terrible shape this year if it wasn't for her. I'm sure this year's one will also prepare me, as yours did, which ends up being worth the trouble. smile

You'll just be my school consigliere, okay? wink