Originally Posted By: olivant
A federal appeals court has struck down Texas Voter ID law as racially discriminatory.


The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of the Voter ID law in PA in about 2 weeks. I expect that it will be upheld. Our Supreme Court consisted of 7 members (4 Rs and 3 Ds), but it is presently at 6 as one of the justices was removed for corruption. That leaves it at 3 and 3. Although party lines are not necessarily determinative in the court's decisions, in order for the law to be stricken, 4 of the 6 must find it to be unconstitutional.

I was happy to see the decision of the the three-judge panel in the Texas case. These voter ID laws are clear attempts to marginalize the voting impact of the poor, elderly, and minorities. If I'm not mistaken, I believe a federal court had recently held that Texas' attempts to redraw the legislative districts were motivated by carving up the voting influence of minorities.