For Zedd the migration from rock was an eye-opening change toward a less competitive and infinitely more popular genre. Despite lots of touring in Europe, he said, his band’s album sold a total of 888 copies; at his first night opening for Lady Gaga, in Seoul, South Korea, he played for 60,000 people.

“When I played in a band, people just stand there and look at you and criticize what they didn’t like,” he said. “But if you watch a D.J. show, people go crazy from beginning to end. Say what you want against D.J.’s, but you can’t deny that the energy level in the audience is for the most part far above what rock bands have.”..

Electronic Dance Music and DJ's

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
Winter is Coming

Now this is the Law of the Jungle—as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.