Originally Posted By: Tonymtl
Don't forget that old man arcuri was with violi/ cotroni before rizzuto takeover and giacinto is very close with ndrageta of Ontario. Old man arcuri accepted the rizzuto transition but never betrayed violi. Rumors were that he would be handed st.leonard from violi after his death but instead went to [BadWord]. Point is they were passed over. They weren't even given more power after Vito went to jail. They were still part of the giving end and not receiving end. They weren't part of the consenza bar consensus of Arcadi/Renda/rizzuto etc.. They wanted power and felt it was their time. It wasn't about money because they have millions. Especially in construction and real estate.

Domenico Arcuri Sr. was in the Cotroni-Violi group in name only. (This was true of the Sicilian Randisi brothers who bought Violi's bar and were aware of the plan to kill Violi in it.) If Arcuri Sr. was truly loyal to Paolo Violi and Violi's family, Arcuri Sr. would never have accepted such a plum as Ital Gelati. This is why I have trouble seeing Paolo Violi's sons and Domenico Arcuri Jr. all being part of some sort of agreement to decimate the Rizzutos -- unless of course the Arcuris were prepared to hand back the business. :-)

Why should Nick Rizzuto Sr. have given Domenico Arcuri Sr. Paolo Violi's rackets in 1978? Was Nick Sr. even in a position to do so, given Vic Cotroni remained captain of the Montreal decina till 1984? Arcuri Sr. earlier exhibited neutrality in the lingering feud between Nick Sr. and Violi, but ultimately Arcuri Sr. seemed to have sided with his fellow paesani from Cattolica Eraclea.

I would suggest that the Arcuris' being wealthy has very much to do with their connections to the Rizzuto clan.

As for Giacinto Arcuri's being close to 'ndrangheta members in Ontario, the implication is that Rizzuto clan members or Rizzuto loyalists in Montreal were not close to such members -- and yet there is overwhelming evidence that these clan members or loyalists have generally had such close ties for more than 35 years. Arcuri, as a Sicilian mafioso living in Toronto, has for decades run in the same circles as Siderno Group ('ndrangheta) members and American LCN members living in Toronto. They all know one another. This notion that Sicilian Cosa Nostra, 'ndrangheta, and American La Cosa Nostra in Canadian cities fight like cats and dogs is ridiculous.

Last edited by antimafia; 08/27/12 01:59 AM. Reason: Added paragraph about Giacinto Arcuri.