Originally Posted By: Tonymtl
Apparently agostino knew for about a year that there was a contract on him. He had a very hard time living under protection. The guy never had a bodyguard with him since the 70's. He knew the end was near. The problem with the Rizzutos was that they had no muscle at the time of the killings. They were weak and surrounded by a spoiled rich younger generation. There street soldiers were in prison from the 2005 roundup. Whoever wanted st.leonard and more had to take him out. That was his town.

It seems like we are getting somewhere, although I don't take things for granted easily. For me what you say are still theories, but they sound viable. I hope you don't mind me being skeptical, but what you say sounds believable and interesting.

Who do you think is behind Lorenzo LoPresti's murder? It seems like he was one of Montagna's lieutenants, the other one being Pietrantonio. And I would guess Desjardins' crew was responsible for his murder as a reprisal for the attempt on Desjardins a month earlier. But what is confusing is that LoPresti's visitation took place at Loreto. Could it be that the Renda and Rizzuto families weren't aware of his collaboration with Montagna at the time? And were does Pietrantonio now stand?

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."