The table is turning. Rizzutos are regaining strength and gathering there troops. Arcuris are n hiding. Desjardins and co are safer in prison. Gallo accepted being deported as this was safer for him. Dimaulo is nowhere to be found. The new consortium didn't work. The Acuris were the masterminds behind the rizzuto takeover and not sal. They approached sal and promised him heavy returns for his dismembering of the Rizzutos. Sals position didn't sit well with Desjardins and mirarchi. Apparently the Acuris agreed with sals termination. He was supposed to disappear but they botched the plan. Now that New York found out the Acuris lost there bonnano backup and are even afraid of reprisals. The new consortium as made 2 enemies. New York and the Rizzutos.