Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I saw that article yesterday. I understand the freedom of speech but for a judge is that even ethical? uhwhat Isn't that something like inciting a riot should an outbreak of some kind occur? One thing for sure, it's scary.


In most jurisdictions judges never publicly weigh in on policy matters. To maintain a proper, judicial temperament, judges, even if elected, know how to hold their tongues, and try to limit public discourse to the bench.

It sounds like most of the people in Lubbock are humored or embarrassed by the judge, so the violent revolt will have to wait.

I'm surprised Judge Head didn't address Obama's birth certificate or label him a Muslim.

I thought in the same lines. Say other nutjob Orly Taitz or the like, brings an Obama birth certificate case in front of this judge. I mean any doubt how he'd rule???? Duh!! panic He should be embarrassed/ashamed he even opened his mouth.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 08/23/12 12:07 PM.

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