Well TIS, I saw BOURNE LEGACY and wow, what a disapointment. I'm giving it a thumbs down.

Really really really takes it's sweet time to get going, those people who called TDKR "boring" should go this and be refamiliarized with that word. By the time the movie starts going, it was too little, too late for me and I couldn't care about these people or get myself involved in the narrative.

I think what's hilarious is the whole plot device (or the macguffin excuse to fuel these action narratives) involves our hero the super agent lab rat needing his little blue pills (no not Viagra) or else he'll regress intellectually. Think of this as the action movie remake of CHARLY.

That might explain why the audience at my screening were less lively than a Morgue. Seriously I can't believe a Bourne movie can be simply dismissed as "boring."

Still I suppose the good things that could've been found in a good one of these pictures. I liked how Jeremy Renner outsmarts that Predator drone trying to assassinate him, his confrontation with that wolf (2nd movie this year after THE GREY where the hero fights wild doggie 1-on-1). Even that trap he pulls on that henchman using the fire extinguisher was brilliant.

Also this might come off as petty, but...the villains' motivations don't make much sense. Yes the earlier Bourne movies more or less were about evil CIA people trying to assassinate somebody, but it's only 1 or 2 people at most for containment. It makes sense, at least for a movie.

But Edward Norton kills dozens of people, including supposed top-assets in North Korea and Iran, and that's where my willingness to suspend disbelief has been wrecked. The problem with any conspiracy in general is that how do you keep such shit quiet? 1 or 2 people die, hey shit happens. 20-30 die within your division and affiliated agencies, well gee that shit doesn't happen everyday.