In choosing Ryan, Romney went with the anti-Palin pick. Ryan is bright, articulate and is pretty much the architect of the party's platform on budgetary matters. Also, I'd be surprised if there was any dirt on him.

I think it is a good choice for Romney in that it more clearly defines his candidacy by focusing on the economy and government spending. Also, Romney's been a moderate, whose healthcare plan in Massachusetts is essentially the same as the President's. His views on social issues have seemed to be based on whatever is politically beneficial. So, the conservative Ryan will provide greater ideological separation between the campaigns.

Every VP choice offers advantages and disadvantages. I think an additional benefit of Ryan would be swinging Wisconsin from red to blue.

The disadvantages would be that the selection does nothing to close the gap between women voters, who are leaning heavily towards Obama, and as olivant pointed out, the elderly will be concerned about Ryan's views on social security and medicare. This will be watched closely in Florida. Also, Ryan has no foreign policy experience, and Romney's recent trips have raised questions about his diplomacy.

Also, I think the Democrats will try to capitalize on America's dissatisfaction with the present do-nothing Congress by painting him as one of the key figures of conressional paralysis.

I thought he would pick Portman, but I'm never good at predicting VP choices.