Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
1. Sam the Non-Plumber told President Obama that his tax policies were going to penalize him as a middle class guy and keep him from realizing his dream of buying the plumbing contractor business where he was employed. He was then trotted out at several McCain campaign events as a symbol.

I mentioned it because he used the name "Joe the Plumber" and his name is Sam and he isn't a plumber. He lied about wanting to buy the business he worked for: he lacked the funds to do so and he wasn't a licensed plumber and therefore couldn't operate a plumbing contracting company. I don't know how else to make that point easier to understand, that it was complete and total misinformation.

2. People stockpiled guns and ammunition because they were told that serious gun control was on the way, so they were getting while the getting was good. They were stockpiling against a future when guns would be made unavailable; however, that day was never going to come. While he has been painted as "anti-gun" by conservatives, there is no basis for it. He has not passed any gun-control legislation in his years in the White House. Again, it's complete and total misinformation.

If someone wants to take issue with something the President did, at least let it be real, and not something someone made up.

Who cares if his name is "Sam"? Did it bother you that Dan Quayle used his middle name? Now all of a sudden it's an issue because the level of people who follow politics is so low, first vs. middle name is a gotcha moment they need to be engaged in politics.

If he's not a plumber, but did plumbing, I hope someone shuts down the company he worked for. It's wrong when a plumbing company sends out unlicensed people to do the work, which was the case with Joe.

You're right that people were told that strong gun laws would be passed if Obama won. This was based on his stated position while in Illinois. His hometown has the toughest gun laws(and look at the crime there). It was totally realistic to think a liberal gun-control advocate would be a threat to gun ownership. And the NRA will be telling people the same thing again.

Obama did make the "Cling to their guns and Bibles" comment, kind of mocking people who have both.