Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny
@ dapper don

Conservative radio is effective. We saw that last week when people came together in support of Chick-fil-A. So is liberal media. Remember when Jon Stewart and others did the anti-Beck rally in DC? So both sides have their guys who can rally the base. It's not just conservatives. Not recognizing this shows bias.

And just like there are people who get all or most of their news from Rush and Beck, there are many who get all their news from liberal sources like NY1, or NY Times.

People listen to or read what they want to hear. I'm glad that someone can hear Rush or Beck. I'm glad that someone can read Paul Krugman or Maureen Dowd. That's what makes America great. Opposing views are available. For now.

Thats the thing, the vast majority (over 75%) of people who read the NYTimes for example ALSO read the WSJ or the Wash Post, concurrently as opposed to the tens of millions who just listen to Rush or Beck on talk radio. Studies have shown this time and again. Some people attribute this to education, meaning that most people who read the NYTimes have a higher education (college+) and thus know on average that they should read an opposing paper (WSJ) to get both viewpoints and avoid any bias. I am not trying to offend anyone, its just that is what the data has shown.

Personally, I have had a subscription to the NYTimes and the WSJ (actively read both daily multiple times) since I was a freshman and my Economics 101 Professor made us get the WSJ for class. Unfortunately for me, these papers are STILL sending me their print editions!!!

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.