Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
every single major american news outlet is equally horrible imo. they all distort facts to futher thier agenda, whether it be left or right. no such thing as a middle ground with these goofs.one of my favorite things to hear is that tool bill o'reily and his whole "fair and balanced" spiel. it's fair and balanced unless you disagree with him then he doesn't even let you talk and tries to intimidate like he's some sort of a tough guy. makes me sick. this is why i get my news from the internet.

Agreed. Both extremes are enough to make me apolitical. And MSNBC is certainly just as biased as Fox.

Fox News most likely features a liberal guest or two on every single program to debate O'Reilly and Hannity. That's their formula for success. Debate. So you can't accuse them of not offering an opposing view.

Fox News is one network. People act like it's some kind of monopoly.

I'd guess most mainstream television shows will support Obama or keep their mouths shut.

The View. That show alone reaches more people than O'Reilly could dream of reaching. Then you have "comedians" who are full-fledged political commentators now. Jon Stewart and Bill Maher the most prominent.

Just about every daytime syndicated show like Anderson Cooper and others will support Obama too. Even shows like Family Guy and South Park will do their part like they did last time. All this more than offsets Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.