Originally Posted By: merlino
Lucibello gets all that time because of the RICO involvement? Basically he beat a guy up which is assault, a crime that happens everyday in every city, and had 2 illegal poker machines....WOW...seems like what DICKNOSE stated above the government has other things they could worry about that are stealing from the federal government not beating some dude up in S Philly. Tell the feds to travel north on broad to see some murderers and open air drug markets

Merlino..what are you trying to say? I'm well aware of North Board Street and lived in various sections of North Philadelphia while attending Temple University. I'm not singling anyone out but to make a long story short, with all the corruption in our city I get pissed, that there isn't more oversight on all the free government hand me outs.

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."