I noticed there are many quite funny names among gangsters, funny because they either seem to completely reflect their “bad guy” nature or on the contrary, have such meanings that seem quite inappropriate for an evil person, or maybe simply seem to describe their activity. For example:

Santo Trafficante – “Trafficante” is one of the meanings of “smuggler” in Italian, quite an appropriate surname for a mafia boss. What makes it even funnier is that the name “Santo” means “saint”.

Peter Schifo (a Mafioso from the Madison family) – “Schifo” means “disgusting, filth”

Frank Porco (“Porco” means “swine, pig”) – don't yet know who he is, I saw the name on a list at the beginning of the book “The sixth family” which I just started reading.

Antonio Economico – a camorrista from Italy, don’t remember where exactly I heard that name. The point is that he was responsible for the financial operations of the clan he belonged to.

Also, there are many Mafiosi named “Salvatore”, “Benedetto” or “Santo” which means “Saviour”, “Blessed” and “Saint”, really funny to have murderers with such names. For example, the hitman Salvatore Sanfilippo (“Saint Philip the Saviour” if translated).

Speaking of other countries, there was a gang in Russia in the 90s whose surnames (Dureyev, Verzilov and Pyanov), can be translated as “Fool”, “Goon” and “Drunk”.

However, one has to know Italian or Russian to understand the meanings of these names and surnames and find them funny, so maybe somebody can offer absurd or funny names of English (Anglo-Saxon) named gangsters as they won't require translation?

Last edited by Dwalin2011; 08/03/12 04:34 PM.

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."