lol Ok I had to check what a pinata was too before I got the joke Part. We dont have pinata's here in UK YET lol wink

Enjoy your pinata OR play the pinata game. This game would be a lot of fun at a Christmas party or at a Birthday party. Hang the pinata up from the ceiling. Each child takes a turn trying to break the pinata. Blindfold the child who's turn it is. Give the child a stick (a broom handle works well). Turn the child around in a circle 2 or 3 times and point him or her in the direction of the pinata. The child gets to swing the stick 2 or 3 times. Make sure everyone else stands clear of the swinging stick, including the grown-ups!!! Then another child gets a turn. When someone breaks the pinata, all the children get to gather the goodies. You might want to have little paper bags with each child's name on them so the kids have a place to store their goodies for the remainder of the party and a way to carry everything home

Ooh painful