Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Who watched my boy Els win the British yesterday at 42 years old?!

Yes, Adam Scott choked like a stuck pig, but let's credit Ernie for shooting a freaking 32 on the back nine. Els has been one of the most consistently classy guys in ALL of sports for twenty years. I'm thrilled for him.

Sidenote on Els: Yesterday was his 65th win worldwide. I think this fourth major (2 US Opens and 2 British Opens) cements his legacy as the second best golfer of his generation (after Tiger). Sorry, Phil.

Now Mickelson's a nice guy, too. But he never could win on a links course. Els is a more complete golfer.

Re Scott: He's a nice kid, but I hope he never wins a major while that asshole Stevie Williams is on his bag.

I couldn't have said it better....on all points. My swing mantra is ...I am Ernie (backswing) ELS (downswing). Works every time. Gives me the right tempo.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12