Originally Posted By: BarrettM
The laying claim to the Midwest thing isn't really true. They sure had a right to set up shop wherever they wished, but not all the Midwest families answered to them.

-St. Louis answered to Kansas City until 1960, which answered to Chicago. But Tony Giordano hated Chicago and if he answered to anyone it was Detroit, who was his closest ally.
-LA never answered to Chicago, and neither did San Francisco or San Jose.
-The Smaldones were closest with St. Louis but I'm not sure with them
-Dallas answered to New Orleans (is Dallas Midwest)?

In the end yes, Milwaukee, KC and the minor Rockford family answered to Chicago. And that counted for a lot, but it wasn't everything, it wasn't a Midwest takeover. The greatest right Chicago had was to open up shop anywhere in the Midwest that wasn't taken.

Ivy more or less adressed all of that. Was Rockforf part of the outfit?