Originally Posted By: danielperrygin
Only thing new i got from the video was the nail polish on his finger. Whats up with tha? Never seen it tqlked about before?

Never heard of anyone doing it, or it even being effective, but it was clearly to mask their fingerprints, being the genius criminal I am sure he is lol...

Speaking of, who was it that made the 'free Gotti' rap song back in the day? A Google search returned 'The Pizza Connection' headed by what appears to be Sal the Stockbroker of Howard Stern fame, but I swear I had read in a book somewhere that a made guy, or associate had done something similar in their youth (was he in this band maybe?)...who the f was it??

Also (blushing) I myself wrote about 50 pages of an (amateur of course) screenplay based on DeMeo and Co's exploits (well done, it would be a phenomenal mob story) before abandoning it...good luck to him!

Edit: I hate old age! 33 and memory is slipping bad! The rapper I was thinking of was Louis Ferrante, talked about it in his book (which was boring as hell imo) So, the 'real' gangster rap trend continues!

I can't find a link to the song though...anyone?

Last edited by Nick_the_Greek; 07/22/12 08:51 PM.