Originally Posted By: Mark
My brother-in-law and his family live in Aurora, Colorado. He is a big comic/sci-fi/movie geek and loves Batman. We spoke to him on Monday night and he & his wife were counting the days/hours until the midnight showing of the movie. They both had the day off from work today because they knew they would be up all night with friends discussing the much anticipated movie they would see. At 4:30 this morning Mrs. Mark woke up with a stomach ache and said something was wrong. She got up and went to the living room and I went back to sleep. She soon returned to tell me that the shooting was all over CNN and could not get a hold of her brother or his wife via cell phone. It was pins & needles until about 9:30 this morning when he returned one of my wife's dozen calls & texts. Seems that while they were getting ready to go to the movie last night, their 5 year old started acting up and went into a mini cranky fit (as many kids do). They didn't feel it was right to drop her off at grandma & grandpa's like that so they just cancelled going altogether. They would have been there last night. I am so glad their daughter acted up. I love my wife's brother & his family - he is a great guy, a good dad & devoted husband. Thank God.
wow , talk about your ultimate close call . God bless man ..