Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
[quote=klydon1]And his wife was just on tv saying "YOU PEOPLE have all you need to know." rolleyes


She came off as a modern day Marie Antoinette. I don't fault her so much, but she should have been prepared better for the interview.

I thought it was curious that she said the tax returns would show how generous Romney is as he's donated 10% of earnings to the Mormon Church and other charities. This would be all the more reason he should release them. The excuse that the Democrats would only twist the returns and attack them seems very hollow.

One thing I agree with Mitt is his indifference to the puffed up outrage over the opening day Olympic uniforms being made in China. Maybe it's because when he ran the 2002 winter games, the uniforms were made in Burma, but I commend him for being candid on the issue and not rushing to wave the flag.