It would be nice to be rich. Not just well off but positively stinking rich. Unfortunately I happen not to have an extra $500,000 lying around.. lol

Al "Scarface" Capone may be long gone but his bulletproof 1928 Cadillac touring car is still around.
And it's for sale.
On July 28, the Series 341-A, 341 cubic inch, V-8 Caddie will be auctioned the day before the annual Concours d'Elegance of America classic car show at the Inn at St. Johns in Plymouth Township.

The striking green and black Cadillac is expected to fetch $300,000 to $500,000, according to Alain Squindo, director of private collections for RM Auctions.

"This is a very special automobile, not withstanding its Capone history," Squindo said. "It is a luxury car from a classic era as one of the first bulletproof cars that still survives. It's a very heavy car and a very good looking car."
Heavy indeed.

It carries an extra 3,000 pounds of armor plating and glass an inch thick. The side windows raise high enough to reveal circular gun ports and the rear window drops so riders could shoot at any pursuers....

Capone Cadillac for Sale

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
Winter is Coming

Now this is the Law of the Jungleā€”as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.