Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
My internet access has been freezing lately. I've switched back and forth between Internet Explorer and ... Norton Security.

How many times do I have to DAMN those two worthless CPU-hogs of programs before people hear me?? ohwell

I'm not saying Chrome is slim or anything -- well, the program is, but it stores EVERYTHING on your hard drive to keep it "fast". It normally works, until after a few months when your drive is bogged down, but, that's another story... wink

But c'mon... I've been in front of a computer since 1983... listen to me sometimes lol

Don't hold back Geoff, let it all out. I've tried to like Chrome, but I find some of the features difficult to find or I need multiple steps to get there, where IE (for me) is more user friendly. BUT, I'm using Chrome more often because we have GMail at work and you have to go through Chrome. BUT GMail is the biggest weenie suck of all. As far as security, I've tried McAfee, Verizon Security Suite, and now Norton. One thing I like about Norton is the password vault. So what security program should I use? My Norton expires in a few months. Godfather, command me.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12