Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don

While the overall hypocritical and contradictive point stands, I don't know how you can post that, Dapper. Considering the lashings Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton gave each other during the Democratic primaries. Only to later have Obama make one his VP and the other his Secretary of State; and them accept the positions despite the reservations they said they had about him being President. Or did you just forget about that?

I posted it because it has some valid points, obcourse I didnt forget the Democratic primaries. It was common knowledge that Biden didnt have a real shot and he just stayed in as an "audition" for a spot in the administration. Hillary swallowed her pride (she didnt really want to be in the admin) to accept a position cause the Obama people wanted to unify the entire party and bring over the Clinton backers to his side.

I dont know about you, but I just dont see Santorum being Secretary of _______ or Gingrich being in the cabinet even if Romney wins. The attacks and things these guys said to each other was much worse than anything the Dems ever said to each other during that primary.

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 07/12/12 02:40 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.