Originally posted by Letizia B.:
Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
[b] Try this, choose flash and wait for it to load. Then click and hold your mouse and drag it up or down: web page
Turi, that's one of the coolest things I have ever seen!! Absolutely amazing. How do they do it? It doesn't look like it's been done on the computer, it looks more like a scan of an actual painting. Wow.

It reminds me (kind of) of this guy, Kurt Wenner, who does these extremely elaborate and realistic chalk drawings on the ground. He makes it look like there's a hole in the sidewalk, and you can see all the way to this really psychedelic abyss, or like a pool with gods and goddesses in it... Unbelievable stuff, it's all on completely flat sidewalks. So not to take up too much room here, I'll post the pics of the ones I've seen personally (the first one was in Palm Desert, the second one was in Pasadena, in front of the City Hall):
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

The "rocks" that the real people are standing on are not really elevated, they're part of the painting. It's amazing, in real life, they're even more real-looking. You can actually feel like you're going to fall in. If he ever did a painting that looked like you were looking down from a skyscraper, I can guarantee more than one person would get a mean case of vertigo.

Here's the link to the street-painting portion of his site. There are seven pages of work on there, it's not just that one first page. Check it out!! [/b]
Wow, I've never seen anything like it. That is absolutely amazing. I can imagine trying to keep my balance on one of those rocks incase I fell. Kurt Wenner has a new fan.

So die all who betray Giuliano