Can't beat pretty girls at the beach Klyd. Hell at his age i would have took ugly girls in the sand pit tongue

Goombah, nice to see you and your son sharing magic father and son moments over sport cool

On Saturday my 2 eldest boys have their football Presentation days where they get their awards and medals etc. However because they are different ages and play for different teams the 2 events are being staged at different venues but at the same time panic My wife is at work so i will attend Andrews and poor Mike will have to go himself, but he understands i have been to plenty of his and not so many of Drew's!

Finally tomorrow, said 2 boys, being excellent members of the school sports faculty are being taken by the school to see the Olympic torch pass through our city. All expenses paid for by the school as well...which is unusual smile

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!