Okay. I knew who Kim Kardashian is, and that she has a reality show that includes family members, including Bruce Jenner somehow. But I never watched the show until last night when my daughter had some friends over. I didn't see the whole show, but it left my head spinning. Here's a synopsis:

The mom has an overblown sense of self-importance and runs around with a cell phone, acting stressed, but doing absolutely nothing. The sisters may be the dumbest creatures God has put on this planet, who constantly have a deer-in-the-headlight look. The brother is the most pathetic of all. He's an adult, who's constantly whining to his mom about how nobody's helping him look for a house. On one trip a sister went with him and offered the brilliant advice, "You'll need a gardener."

Meanwhile this guy keeps insulting Bruce Jenner, who's apparently his step-dad, because he and his sisters are apparently too good to consider his advice. The brat even whines at a family meal that all of his friends have dads, who can help them, but he doesn't even though he keeps patronizingly rejecting help from apparently the only sane family member (even though he's turning into a woman).

And throughout all of this Kim K. is running around from place to place wearing assorted wigs, pretending she's someone else. At first I thought this was bizarre, but after seeing her family, I don't blame her a bit for pretending to be someone else.