Originally Posted By: JonahPerelman
Concerning the Rallos, I believe it was Jesse Stoneking's testimony that said that the Rallo construction company worked hand in glove with the Chicago Outfit. Can't find that testimony online, but I bet it's available somewhere.

Below is an excerpt from a verbatim transcript of a St. Louis FBI field office interview with an unnamed informant on June 18, 1991:

"… [redacted] stated that while he was [redacted] of Arthure Berne, head of the eastside outfit, BERNE had told him that RALLO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY in St. Louis, Missouri, belonged to [redacted] of the Chicago La Cosa Nostra (LCN) at that time. BERNE told [redacted] that if Chicago wanted to buy property, businesses, get loans, or some other such financial transaction it would be done through RALLO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY in St. Louis. …"

Sounds like that was Jesse Stoneking. That would be consistent with the timeframe in which he was cooperating.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.