Originally Posted By: SC
wrestling is fake. shhh

Name one pro wrestling fan above 7 years old and above 60 IQ who actually thinks it's "real."

This aint the old days of kayfabe when many truely believed what they saw, and the industry did their best to maintain that illusion. Sometimes to extreme methods.

A good example was the famed Bruno Sammartino/Larry Zbyszko feud in 1980, one of the great money-making programs in Pro Wrestling from that era. This back in the WWWF days. (Before Vince McMahon took over the company from his dad and removed one "W.")

Bruno was the Italian-American Hulk Hogan/Steve Austin in being uber-popular and beloved up in the Northeast, sold out MSG countless times. (He was WWWF Champion for seven years.)His "protege" Zbyszko (Bruno in real life did train him) betrayed his former mentor with a good ole wooden chair to the skull, drawing blood. (That's Vince calling the match.)

Bruno's passionate fanbase were outraged by "Judas" Zbyszko. His car was repeatedly damaged and taxis in which he was travelling were overturned by fans. Zbyszko on seperate occasions after matches was attacked by fans, one by iron pole and another he got stabbed in the ass. Received numerous death threats, including (alleged by Zbyszko) from Mafia guys and he and Bruno had to go privately meet with them and let them in on the "secret" about pro wrestling.

And John Cena thinks he has it rough with the fans.