Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

I assume you mean "Janet" Leigh.


I can't believe I make such sloppy mistakes.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Speaking of Hitchcock, Antenna tv has nightly showing of his tv show. I get a kick out of watching and recognizing certain actors. My parents use to think his antics before/after the show were silly. They were right, but I still like him. smile

I loved his wicked dry humor.* Like DeMille and later Tarantino, he was a natural born public pitch salesman for his own movies. For the show's syndication in foreign language markets, Hitchcock filmed bookend scenes in French and German, since he was fluent in both languages.

*=Classic was the trailer he made for PSYCHO. Talk about screwing with the audience.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 05/13/12 11:47 PM.