Originally Posted By: SC
I got my copy yesterday. I've read the jacket cover only and have already been disgusted by a "mistake" by Falco. The cover is reliving a discussion between Vito and Carmela about their eldest son. Vito says, "Sonny will be OK".


C'mon, Ed, if you're gonna write a book about the Corleones, you have to know this stuff!!!!

That's honestly unforgivable. Between that and the ridiculous Empire State Building anachronism on page one---PAGE ONE!!!!---this book is already competing with Alexandra Ripley's literary "sequel" to "Gone With the Wind." And that ain't a compliment.

It's very telling that Paramount made all that noise. They must have known that this book was a dog. Because if it's not, why would they try to stop it when they would still own the inevitable movie rights?

But I haven't started it yet. I have my copy sitting on the kitchen table and I'll start it either tonight or tomorrow. And if I'm wrong about it, I'll gladly man up and post a stellar review for poor Ed.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.