Originally Posted By: RichCerto
Trust me, I have no doubt that you'll express your opinions clearly. If you don't like it, I won't be defending it. I did the research, wrote the book, and now it's out of my hands.

You're opening yourself to some heartache. Some of our members will go over the book with a magnifying glass. Some will split hairs and go into minute detail.

OK, to start, with the book's first paragraph:
Originally Posted By: Ed Falco

Fall 1933

Giuseppe Mariposa waited at the window with his hands on his hips and his eyes on the Empire State Building. To see the top of the building, the needlelike antenna piercing a pale blue sky, he leaned into the window frame and pressed his face against the glass.

The needle-like antenna was not in place at the top of the Empire State Bldg in 1933. That came later (trust a "King Kong" fan to know this).

OK.... OK... cheap shot; I'm just being a smartass.

I'm looking forward to reading this, and I wish you good luck with it.
