Originally Posted By: goombah

Did Wyman ever marry that girl he dated when she was 13? Maybe she took all his money and he needs to tour? But at age 75, shouldn't he be golfing or playing canasta instead of touring?

Wikipedia says they married and divorced two years later. Incidentally during that marriage, his son was dating her mother. Awkard.

Why he's doing this? Maybe he's nostalgic, I mean this year is the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones. Maybe he's bored? Who knows. I don't care really.

You bring up the age, Keith Richards in his (highly recommendable) book complains about how people bitch at the Rolling Stones for still touring, yet not at many black entertainers for doing the same thing(He might have a point. B.B. King has been doing "farewell concerts" since before I was born. He's the Terry Funk of the Blues, he don't know how to retire.)

Originally Posted By: Lilo

Daryl Jones is a paid employee yes? He's not an official Rolling Stone which I guess would mean that he doesn't get a pct of touring receipts. Wyman was part of the official band. Would Richards and Jagger want to reduce their cut just to bring Wyman back?

I doubt it, only because Wyman quit in the first place (primarily) because he couldn't deal with the never-ending world tours anymore. Reports claim he's not flown a plane since the STEEL WHEELS tour. I suppose this is more like bringing him back in to the studio to record something, hell maybe a one-off appearance at a UK concert.