First Obama gets criticized by Ed and Malkin in 2008 for saying he would attack targets in Pakistan without their permission if he had good intelligence that there was a high value target. Then we hear that that Afghanistan is Obama’s war now. Now that there is good news we are supposed to credit Bush. It’s really just a partisan talking point.

I have followed the entire Bin Laden operation very closely, and am very well versed on the minor details. Osama bin Laden was found because the United States military exploited actionable intelligence extracted by subjecting terrorists to enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs) in secret CIA prisons, by questioning enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, and by capturing a top al Qaeda source in Iraq.

As long as some people remain intent on keeping political score, it must be pointed out that all three sources of these indispensible data points were direct or indirect results of Bush policies – EITs, Gitmo, and the Iraq war – that much of the American Left, including Barack Obama, fought tooth and nail.

I see a parallel between Obama’s decision to go after Osama and Bush’s decision to go after Saddam:
-Both relied on CIA & other intelligence
-Neither WMDs nor Osama were guaranteed to be there
-Both men were taking big risks based on the best available intelligence.

The fact that one is vindicated and one is vilified for making a difficult decision at the time speaks to the luck involved with hoping you made the right call.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.