Seeing as we're about a week behind you guys, I've been streaming it after all. I need my fix ASAP. Just finished the fifth episode, and some points;

After episode four "Garden of Bones", its apparent that they're really endeavouring to get us to hate Joffrey. Not just hate him, but actually loath him. The scene with him beating the prostitutes went on just a little too long, no? I wonder if they mean to speed up his storyline pursuantto the books.

Also, apparently the healer Talisa is a composite character, primarily based on Jeyne Westerling. I do wonder at what their direction with her will be. An interesting note, the actress, Oona Chaplin, is apparantly a grand-daughter of Charlie Chaplin.

And Jojen and Meera? IIRC, it was Jojen that had the "Sea coming to Winterfell" premonition, no? And now its Bran. Am I right on that? I plan on rereading the books again very soon in any case, there's a few things Id like to clarify and check.

Also, as yet not Ramsay Bolton. Considering what a big part he plays in later story arcs, I'd be very surprised if he's left out.

So once again, a few things here and there (Renly's peach during his parlay with Stannis, Harranhal being changed to Harranhall and Tywin instead of Roose Bolton taking Arya as a cupbearer) but understandable in what needs to be done in regards to pacing and and streamlining the story. Cant wait for the next one.
