Originally Posted By: Lilo
The majority of the conservatives crying crocodile tears about black victims of violence don't care about them one iota. It's all pure deflection. We never use the term white-on-white violence though the majority of whites murdered are indeed killed by other whites.
Playing the Violence Card

Playing the Violence Card
EVER since the culture wars of the 1980s, Americans have been familiar with “the race card” — an epithet used to discredit real and imagined cries of racism. Less familiar, however, is an equally cynical rhetorical tactic that I call “the violence card.”

Here’s how it works. When confronted with an instance of racially charged violence against a black person, a commentator draws attention to the fact that there is much more black-on-black violence than white-on-black violence. To play the violence card — as many criminal-justice advocates have done since the Rodney King police brutality case of the early 1990s — is to suggest that black people should worry more about the harm they do to themselves and less about how victimized they are by others.

Conservatives are simply saying that black-on-black crime is a more serious issue facing black males, yet blacks are outraged when whites are the perps. And it's true. To the media and activists, if you are black and die at the hands of a white man or cop, it's a huge story.

Look at the story in Houston. Black female walks up to white female with baby, shoots and kills the mother and steals the baby. It's getting some attention, but because the perp is a black female, it's not going to be as big a story as if a white female did this to a black woman with her baby. That's an example of how the media plays up the race card.