Guess What State Will See Lower Health Insurance Premiums This Year?

Don’t look now, Governor Romney, but you may need to execute yet another of your famous flip-flops when it comes to Obamacare, the federal law modeled on your own Massachusetts experiment.

It turns out that Romneycare is beginning to work out quite nicely as insurance premiums for many Massachusetts residents
participating in the state’s Health Connector Commonwealth Care program are going down this year—by as much as five percent—representing the second consecutive year of reduced premium payments.

This from The Commonwealth Connector, the agency created by the legislation that helps Massachusetts residents shop for and acquire health insurance:

For the second year in a row, the Massachusetts Health Connector’s Commonwealth Care program will provide private health insurance to eligible residents at a lower cost than the previous year. At tomorrow’s monthly meeting, the board of directors of the Health Connector will vote on bids from private insurance carriers that provide an average five percent reduction in per-person cost. Combined with similar savings achieved this year, tomorrow’s action will save the state approximately $91 million with no benefit reductions or member co-pay increases.

Nice. So, how is Massachusetts pulling off this good news?

According to Lynn Nicholas, president & CEO of the Massachusetts Hospital Association, the positive developments are the result of the major stakeholders in the state’s medical community working together to accomplish some key goals—goals that might look familiar to those who are familiar with the objectives of the Affordable Care Act.

In an article published in Kaiser Health News, Nicholas points out that Massachusetts is well along the way towards converting the state from a fee-for-service medical framework to one “in which caregivers are organized to provide comprehensive patient care, and are rewarded for providing access, quality and efficiency. In such a system providers not only accept increased responsibility for care, they also accept financial risk that was once the responsibility of insurers.”

What Ms. Nicholas is referring to are Accountable Care Organizations, the ‘medical home’ approach to lowering costs while improving health care outcomes that is the at the very core of many reforms found in the Affordable Care Act. More than 1.2 million Bay State residents are now participating in these medical home programs and, from the looks of things, it’s all beginning to work out quite nicely.

Hospitals in the state have also done their part—lowering their costs by billions over the past three years while holding onto their reputation as some of the best hospitals in the nation.

Massachusetts currently has the highest level of healthcare coverage in the country with more than 98 percent of its residents insured. As for the cost of that insurance, based on medium household income, Massachusetts ranks as the 48th lowest state in the nation in healthcare expenditures.

So, what about those long wait times to see a doc?

Things are still rough with average waits to see a family medicine doctor running 36 days (up 7 days from last year), while the wait for an internist has improved to 48 days, five days better than last year’s experience.

While I have no desire to minimize this problem, it is important to put it into perspective—something that is often missed by the opponents of this type of reform.

As Jonathon Cohn has pointed out, the shortage in primary care doctors was underway in Massachusetts —and in virtually every other state in the nation—well before the state reformed their health care system. The following chart would appear to bear this out as we see wait times in Massachusetts running high before Romneycare took effect in 2007.

Other states, with more traditional approaches to healthcare, also experience access problems when it comes to family medicine physicians and internists simply because our medical schools do not turn out enough physicians who wish to practice in these areas. The reason is simple—these doctors can make substantially more money by going into speciality practices. With many doctors coming out of school with $200,000 in debt, who can blame them?

The Affordable Care Act seeks to address this problem by increasing the amount paid to primary care physicians, something Wellpoint—the second largest health insurer in the nation— recently picked up on when they too decided to boost what they pay to primary care physicians treating patients with Wellpoint insurance plans.

The bottom line here appears to be that the Massachusetts healthcare reform is showing some real signs of success and that is good news for us all—with the possible exception of Obamacare foes. The problem of increasing available primary care physicians still looms as a real challenge, but there is reason to believe that adjustments in the pay schedules for these doctors will entice medical students into the field and alleviate the troubling wait periods.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.