Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny
Originally Posted By: PrimeMinister
Cesare Bonaventre was actually from 83rd Street in Bensonhurst Brooklyn. His younger brother Vito used to hang around 20th Avenue (not involved in LCN).
Originally Posted By: PrimeMinister
Cesare Bonaventre was actually from 83rd Street in Bensonhurst Brooklyn. His younger brother Vito used to hang around 20th Avenue (not involved in LCN).

Cesare Bonventre is fascinating.

Had he not been killed in 1984, you have to figure he would have become a media star during the Pizza Connection trial, because of his look.

It was mentioned that Rusty Rastelli "grew tired of his kidnapping plots". I was wondering what plots Bonventre was involved in because I've never heard of LCN doing this for money.

Does anyone know the address he was killed at? I know it's just three blocks from Metropolitan and Flushing in Maspeth. For some reason I think it's 54th St between Flushing and Grand.

Actually, Ive read in a bunch of old news reports/indictments (old as in the late 80s/early 90s) of guys doing kidnappings for ransom (usually always associates), there was the case of Frank Santoro who was bragging he was going to kidnap the son of Vinny Basciano, we all know what happened when Vinny found out, he found him and shotgunned him himself

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.