Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Oli, in 1988 I moved to a unit of my employer that had a large group of women managers. I learned that the most powerful women were...nannies. Not a day went by without several of my female colleagues coaxing, pleading, pampering, their nannies. Some also used free-lance gofers to shop for them, wait for deliveries, find summer camps for their kids. One of my female colleagues referred to hers as "my wife." lol

TIS: In that same era, female managers lived by a rigid, self-imposed dress code. Dark-colored business suits, hose, pleated blouses, closed pumps (no heels higher than 3"), straight, medium-length hair (curly-haired women weren't taken seriously). When walking to meetings, they donned new white athletic shoes with only enough piping to distinguish them from nurse or waitress shoes; white athletic socks with the tops turnd down exactly 2"; toting a bottle of Naya water in one hand (Poland Springs was "tacky"), and a bag holding their dress shoes in the other. They referred to themselves and other female managers as "women"; clerical and secretarial women were "girls" or "ladies." Clerical and secretarial women referred to themselves as "girls," and to managers as "ladies."

Wow, and what's really amazing is it was in our lifetime. uhwhat "We've come a long way baby" (I know you know where that comes from) wink


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 04/13/12 08:48 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon