Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Silly women! Thinking they can have a career and a family! Don't they realize you need a penis for that??? Otherwise you end up bitter and alone!

I think that raising a family is the hardest thing a person can do. If that was Ann Romney's choice, why should anyone put her down? It was what she wanted, and as long as she was good at it and happy with what she chose, then good for her.

That was basically my point. Raising a family is the hardest thing one can do. And there's nothing a woman can do that is more important than being a wife and mother. But it seems women - and I used that term loosely here - like Rosen look down on women who are homemakers. Like they're betraying the sisterhood by not fulfilling their full potential. Dollars to donuts her comment about Ann Romney "not working a day in her life" was as much about that as about being married to a rich guy.

And after doing some quick research, Hilary Ronen is your poster-girl for everything that is wrong with some women nowadays. Seriously, they couldn't have created something so objectionable in a lab. She's a lobbyist, a Democratic talking head, and a GLBT activist. Ha! Does it get more cliche than that? Given her resume, her opinion is worth less to me than used toilet paper. Just saying.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.