Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Olivant, I understand what you're saying re: opinions. However, that's why we're discussing it on a bulletin board and we're not testifying in court. It's mostly conjecture at this point; however, there are two things that are evident:

1. Trayvon Martin was unarmed.
2. Zimmerman had a gun.

I agree. I know in court or the jury process it is a totally different thing but on a BB like this, I don't see any reason why we can't speculate. smile


True, but some of the posts on this subject have been on the verge (if not actually)of vituperation and racist. Passion is one thing, but I recommend that Board members attempt to be cogent, at least and that their speculations have a basis (even if tenous) in fact.

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