Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny

Stuff like this happens every single day. It's why Zimmerman has so many supporters. Many whites feel that when we're the victims of black-on-white crime, it goes unnoticed. When the roles are reversed, it's a international story.

I get what your saying. And there's definitely some truth to it. Of course, on the other hand, blacks often complain (and rightly so) that a black child going missing doesn't get nearly as much press attention as a white child; i.e. Natalie Holloway, Elizabeth Smart, etc.

The reason the media hypes "Missing White Females" isn't because they are genuinely concerned with their safe return. It's because they're usually dead and the media wants to make a circus of the trial or mystery surrounding who dunnit.

Like that pregnant lady in Cal whose husband killed her. He pretended she was missing and joined the search team, but we all knew it was him and that she was dead already. That's the kind of storyline the media likes. It's not because they favor white females.