Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Rules for White People with how to deal with Black People.

Here's a sampling:

(10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.

(10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.

(10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date (neglect of that one got me the closest I have ever gotten to death by gunshot).

(10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks.

(10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.

(10f) Do not settle in a district or municipality run by black politicians.

(10g) Before voting for a black politician, scrutinize his/her character much more carefully than you would a white.

(10h) Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway.

(10i) If accosted by a strange black in the street, smile and say something polite but keep moving.


The guy in the video above might agree with some of those "rules." wink

Like a lot of conservatives, Derbyshire is a racist. He is a firm believer in white supremacy, or more precisely Non-Asian Minority inferiority. To the chagrin of some racists at Takimag, Derbyshire makes allowances for East Asians, as he happens to be married to one.

The only difference between Derbyshire and his former comrades at the National Review is that he's willing to say things openly that others say silently.
I think he is a great example of why the US needs a more restrictive immigration policy. Why this particular essay touched nerves is difficult to say. It's not radically different from the hateful bs he's been writing for years.

As the US continues to become browner I expect that we shall see more eruptions like this from an older and whiter generation. But soon they will pass.

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
Winter is Coming

Now this is the Law of the Jungleā€”as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.