Several members are practicing Christians and might find this thread a place to post their feelings, thoughts, experiences of Holy Week. Easter is the high point of Christian faith. For 25 years I have been a member of the church choir. As a choir member, I have gained a much deeper understanding of the faith, but I'm not going to get preachy here. For me Palm Sunday "kicks it off". The music starts off optimistic as palms herald the arrival of Jesus and then turns somber and sad with the sentencing by Pilate. I will also attend and sing at Holy Thursday, attend Good Friday, sing at the Vigil mass on Saturday night and then again on Easter morning. It is a very spirit-filled few days.

Somewhat connected to Holy Week is a video I made. No explanation needed. Its only 1 min, 7 sec.
All You Need Is Love

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12