Originally Posted By: maverick
i'm from montreal. from everything i've read and researched the relationship between montreal and bonanno's in ny basically ended in the early 2000's.
i dont doubt they would want montreal as an asset, i just dont think it really exists anymore. plus like you said, arrests, tougher border crossing i dont think they have that kinda power anymore. and a former acting bonanno boss (sal montagna) was just whacked up here, from what i can tell new york cant really do anything about it

Name a source other than Vitale who professes the relationship ended.

A guy who was kept out of the loop on important matters because everyone knew he would rat one day is not a good source.

Montreal is a cash cow and the Bonannos are not going to relinquish control of something as profitable as that just so Massino could kill Sciascia. I can't understand how anyone would think Massino or any Don would give up millions just to kill a guy because he accused TG of being a coke head or killed the son of a made man or whatever other lame reason they say Sciascia was killed for.

Last edited by Mussolini14; 03/31/12 10:29 AM.