Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny
For some reason, I don't see CNN or MSNBC giving this any play


This is no doubt a heinous crime, but there is a huge difference between this matter and the Martin killer. As I stated before, what makes the Martin killing a national story (which is even sparking the outrage of FOX News anchors) is not the fact that the victim was black and killer was white.

It has made the daily headlines because the killer was inexplicably allowed to go free with his gun on his shaky representation that he was acting in self-defense and the fact that other witnesses, who refute the story, had their statements twisted or ignored. Had the Samford Police bothered to conduct a thorough investigation and filed charges against Zimmerman, this story wouldn't dominate the news.

The Oklahoma incident involves a brutal crime and an arrest. If there was undeniable evidence that he killed the woman and the police performed a cursory interview of him and let him go with a firearm, then you'd see this on CNN.

Funny, I never mentioned the Trayvon Martin case. You assumed I was comparing the two. Interesting.

That said, there's a long history of "black out" in the media. They ignore or downplay black on white crime, but give disproportionate coverage to white on black.

A few weeks ago, a black girl at Fordham found a racial slur on her door and it was a national story all week. More people probably know about that case than Eve Carson.