Oh hell yes. That actually might be my favorite solo Beatle album.

Paul McCartney to release deluxe edition of Ram in May

The deluxe edition, besides including the special edition with remastered album and disc of outtakes/B-sides/non-album singles, will include the Mono version of RAM and THRILLINGTON, that random as fuck instrumental "reinterpretation" of RAM that Paul produced in the late 70s.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is an album from a long, long time ago, when the world was different. This is an album that is part of my history - it goes back to the wee hills of Scotland where it was formed. It's an album called RAM. It reminds me of my hippie days and the free attitude with which was created. I hope you're going to like it, because I do!" Paul McCartney, 2012


*=Produced in those sessions was Paul's first released non-Beatle single: "Another Day."